Traditional Operating Room

In the traditional operating room, separate equipment is provided for each of the elements and equipment and they are located in different parts of the operating room, where the installation of these installations will usually be the place of accumulation of infection in the operating room. Nurses will have to go to different parts of the operating room to access any of the alarms, monitors, or equipment, and will need different installations and separate cabling, separate maintenance. Various alarms such as medical gas, insulated panels and airflow laminars will be available in separate panels in different parts of the operating room wall. Various controls on the electrical system, air conditioning and intercom will also face similar conditions.

OR Wall Control Panel

The operating room control panel is a type of BMS system that is able to control all necessary electrical and mechanical elements and display all mechanical and electrical alarms as well as intercom and has a touch or non-touch display.

The good thing about this method is that it reduces the number of installations in the operating room walls and reduces the infection, as well as the maintenance costs and the number of cabling in the operating room.

This equipment will focus the treatment team in one point of the operating room to meet all their needs.

C1TECH OR Wall Control Panel Benefits

  • Control of the operating room lighting system includes control of prismatic light circuits as well as the ability to dim the lighting system in the presence of dimmable lights, to reduce room light during laparoscopic and arthroscopic surgeries that require full vision on the monitor.
  • Control the Negatroscope and decrease or increase its brightness
  • Operating room sialit control
  • UV lamp brightness control
  • Operating room three-way door headlight control

Operating room temperature and humidity control and control on air conditioners and heating and cooling coils.

Display leakage current alarms and insulated panel alarms

Display alarms for medical gases including oxygen, vacuum, compressed air and nitrogen dioxide, as well as filter replacement alarms for laminar Airflow machine.

Set and display the time and date in the operating room, anesthesia and surgery stopwatches, and tourniquet stopwatches

Audio intercom and video intercom capability on IP

Ability to play soothing music in the operating room from a folder in the nursing station

Advantages Of Operating Room Control Panel

  • Focus medical staff on one point of the operating room
  • Reduce infection due to reduced installation on the walls of the operating room
  • No need for separate wiring and reduced maintenance costs

Mother Control Panel In The Nursing Station And Its Benefits

In the operating system central control panel system, the nursing station has a large screen and is connected to all operating rooms via a network cable, and the status of all operating rooms on one screen can be checked and handled. Also, in this method, according to the request of the esteemed user, the level of access and control on the control panel can be determined.

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